On February 25th and 26th, Annie Jr. was performed at Day Creek Intermediate. The play is a story about an orphan named Annie who does anything she can to find her birth parents. Along the way, she meets Mr. Warbucks and Miss Grace who invite her to stay at Mr. Warbucks’s mansion during the Christmas season. A few days later, Mr. Warbucks starts to enjoy having Annie in his home and decides to adopt her. However, Annie still wants to find her birth parents, so Mr. Warbucks does everything he can to try and find Annie’s parents, even offering a $50,000 reward. Many people try to pretend they are Annie’s parents, but it turns out that Annie’s parents passed away a long time ago. In the end, Mr. Warbucks adopts Annie.
Many students, families, and friends saw the performance and enjoyed it.
“I thought it was a really really good show and the students had a lot of hard work put into it, I could tell,” said Britney L., a seventh grader.
“A lot of work was put into it and it was pretty playful,” said Wyatt R., a sixth grader.
The play was written to be similar to the original movie, Annie. There were enjoyable, humorous scenes, which probably took a long time to prepare for. While the actors were very good in character, the play could have added more speaking moments, a strength for those with parts. Overall however, the performance was terrific.
The Day Creek Howl wasn’t alone in its appreciation of the play.
“Well, I absolutely loved it. I thought that everything was so well-organized. I thought they did an amazing job with all of the props and all the backstage crew getting [all the props and sets] moved around, and I thought the front stage was incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s definitely one of my highlights every single year,” said Ms. Lyon, the principal at DCIS.
“I was very impressed by the talents of the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and I think it was probably my favorite play that we’ve done so far,” said Mrs. Walk. “We have the right number of students and I like the way that we have 2 casts so we can feature different students in both the casts. I really liked the fact that we were able to perform for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.”
“The Annie play was amazing. The kids did a fantastic job,” said Mrs. Bjelland, “[I wouldn’t change anything because] I think we all learn and grow as we do things. I think everyone performed really well and things aren’t always perfect in life, but the kids gave a great effort and if there were any little mistakes, I seriously doubt anyone noticed. They just did a great job.”
Overall, it seemed as though the students and faculty who watched the Annie production completely enjoyed it, and the actors and directors did a marvelous job.