Sydney N.
Do we need Tradwives?
The tradwife lifestyle has gained popularity overnight, affixed with the label of a married woman who dons a worn out, polka-dotted apron while retrieving a sourdough starter. The term “tradwife” defines women who reflect a vintage 1950’s lifestyle.
Short for “traditional wives,” tradwives opt to stay home to take care of their families. Rather than working a 9-5, they enjoy caring for their kids, cooking the family’s meals, and cleaning the house until it sparkles. Such tasks appear to be common for moms who choose to stay at home.
This type of mother may differ politically as well, with a view that women should stay at home and men should be the primary provider for a family.
For some, this may be controversial. But for others, it’s a way of life.
“In our culture, [women] stay at the house, just to take care of the family, especially the kids,” said Mrs. De La Llana. “Because we’re Filipino, it’s normal that a mother stays at home to take care of her family.”
This population is growing. More and more wives are choosing to stay at home – about 25%, a leap from the previous 15%.
While this started as a simple, quiet choice, some tradwives now advertise their lifestyle as an ideal, though netizens sometimes disagree.
“As a dude, the tradwife ‘icks’ me too. I want a partner who can carry the load if I get hit by a bus. Not someone dependent on me and my income,” says @dombravado on Tiktok.
Despite tradwives who typically mind their own business, media sometimes paints them as willingly oppressed women who are supporting a misogynistic society. For the few tradwives who appear to support misogyny, leftists point toward the importance of social equality.
“For women, it’s hard because it’s almost like we can’t win,” said Mrs. Casequin, a parent of two former DCIS Coyotes. “If you go for the career, you got people telling you, you don’t care about your kids enough. But then we have the stay-at-home [mom], with people tearing you apart because ‘you want to micromanage your kids.’”
Sometimes the tradwife lifestyle is romanticized by young women who hope to find the perfect guy, the perfect family, and the most perfect, perfect life (thanks Disney), though the trad life might not be as rad of a life as society depicts it.
“I did the same and now I regret staying home and wasting the chance of chasing my dreams,” says @emeeja on Tiktok. “Yes, my kids had a good childhood, but I sacrificed my dreams.”
Like all things, the grass is probably a bit greener on the other side. Perhaps a housewife may feel a lingering sense of remorse because she sacrificed her college years and career ambition to take care of her family. In contrast, a career woman may regret returning to work as a babysitter raises her children. So what’s the point?
Trying to find a right or a wrong here is pretty much impossible. Choosing to stay at home is neither right nor wrong. And the same could be said for choosing a career. It’s highly situational and will always depend upon personal circumstances. As long as parents prioritize their family over careers, choosing to go to work or opting to stay at home is just fine.
“[If my mom was gone at work a lot] I would just want to know if she loves me,” said Rorik D.