Sydney N.
This is a Family Life packet used to educate the students of Day Creek Intermediate.
Surprised looks, horrified faces, and terrible feelings. All because the teachers at Day Creek have now introduced us to family life. Ugh.
A lot of kids aren’t happy that family life is ruining the holiday spirit with embarrassing facts and videos that make us laugh, cringe, think, or a mix of all three.
“I’m uncomfortable with [family life], but exposing yourself to this early on can teach you new things.” Said Savanna M. (6th)
Some people feel like family life can help us learn about our bodies, like the effects of puberty and our reproductive system, even if it seems a little gross. Everything we learn in family life should be helpful in the future.
“Family life helped me learn what puberty was, and the difference between before and after,” said Jasmine X. a 7th grader at Day Creek.
Everyone goes through puberty, and at Day Creek it is mandatory for teachers to teach about how our bodies change, the side effects of those changes, and how we should react.
Sometimes we have to look past the embarrassing things, and focus on the point of all this.
“You have to learn this at some point, you can’t just… not know about it. This is an important subject,” said a 6th grader, Tristan L.