Sydney N.
This is Naomi R., a 7th grade coyote here at Day Creek Intermediate.
Question: Would you rather be a professional musician or a professional poet?
“[I would rather be] a [professional] musician. If you think about it, when you’re writing songs, you are mixing music and poetry. I am playing percussion, but [if I could pick any] it would be brass or trumpet. Music is just fun. I feel like music gets to more people than poetry. It’s fun because you can dance to the rhythm. Then it just gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Nowadays music is everywhere. Unless you’re isolated in the mountains, you will hear music. It’s also kind of cool to have talent. I would definitely practice my instrument [to prepare]. If you’re gonna write songs you have to prepare your voice. Music is [also] storytelling. You have to tell your story through sound.”