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A NASA study has calculated that a tremendous seismic earthquake will shake California in less than three years.
A “Big One” is anticipated to hit Los Angeles before 2018. There is a 99.9% that there will be a destructive earthquake, with a 5.0 or greater on the earthquake magnitude scale, says NASA.
The US Geological Survey disagrees with NASA. They believe that there is only an 85% chance that an earthquake could occur.
Since the most recent massive earthquake occurred in 1857, people are concerned that another one might strike soon.
“Eventually the fault will have to break,” said Thomas Jordan, the director of the Southern California Earthquake Center.
Regardless of a disagreement between NASA and the USGS, Day Creek has been preparing for an earthquake by performing earthquake drills since 2004.
Day Creek has specific supplies in two crates in case of an earthquake. Some objects include an axe, a shovel, first-aid kits, helmets, blankets, a saw, and plenty of emergency purified drinking water.
“In case if a building collapses on the crates, the steel crates won’t collapse with it, so the objects in it won’t be buried,” said Luis, one of the custodians.
In case of an emergency, our staff will be available to assist the people in danger.
“We put together teams that can assist people who are injured or trapped, so every staff member has a job to do if a disaster strikes Day Creek,” said Mr. Carson, one of our vice principals.
Surprisingly, none of the gym crates contain any food.
This might be an issue, but D.C.I.S has made great effort to help make Day Creek ready for the Big One.